Is it tacky to use your own site as a portfolio item? Maybe. But I’m the evolution of this site is something I’m pretty proud of. Over the last few years I’ve used this site to try out new technology and test new tools, and I’m continually making updates and improvements.
First created in summer 2018, this site was originally a single-page layout, created with HTML, CSS, and a few Bootstrap elements. I was proud of the clean, modular design, the flawless responsiveness, as well as the Portfolio section, which I created with CSS Grid.
The original site had WordPress installed as a subdirectory to manage blog content. In 2019, I merged the two together, modifying the blog theme to include the original HTML in front-page.php. However, the combined CSS of the themes was clunky, and styling issues were introduced, including some problems with responsiveness and cross-browser compatibility.
The current iteration is a new WordPress theme, featuring flexible ACF layouts, clean SCSS stylesheets, and additional Bootstrap features. The site speed has increased dramatically, and the design has been altered for improved accessibility.